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Determination of ElectronBand Structure using Temporal Interferometry
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All-opticalfrequency-resolved optical gating for isolated attosecond pulse reconstruction
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Near-circularly-polarizedattosecond pulse generation from carbon monoxide molecules with a combinationof linearly and circularly polarized fields
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Interferenceeffect in high-order harmonic generation from degenerate current-carryingorbitals of polyatomic molecules
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Photoelectronionization time of aligned molecules clocked by attosecond angular streaking
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Measuring therotational temperature and pump intensity in molecular alignment experimentsvia high harmonic generation
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Resolvingstrong-field tunneling ionization with a temporal double-slit interferometer
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Efficient ModeTransfer on a Compact Silicon Chip by Encircling Moving Exceptional Points
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A fiber optic temperaturesensor based on interference fringe contrast demodulation
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Temperature sensor based onselective liquid-filled twin-core photonic crystal fiber
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Two-core photonic crystalfiber with selective liquid infiltration in the central air hole fortemperaturesensing
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Photoinduced Trap Passivationfor Enhanced Photoluminescence in 2D Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites
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H.X.Li; W.Q.Zhao; Y.Liu;Y. Liang;L,M; M.Zhu;C.J. Yi; L.Xiong; Y.H.Gao,
High-level-Fe-doped P-type ZnO nanowire array/n-GaN film forultraviolet-free white light-emitting diodes,
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P.L.Qin; T.Wu; Z.C.Wang; X.L.Zheng; Yu, Xueli;G.J.Fang;
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P.L.Qin; J.L.Zhang; G.Yang; X.L.Yu;
G.Li,Potassium-intercalated rubrene as a dual-functionalpassivation agent for high efficiency perovskite solar cells,J
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W.W.Zheng; W.Cao; Z.Y.Wang; H.X.Deng; J.Shi;R.Xiong,
Improvement of the thermoelectric properties of a MoO3 monolayerthrough oxygen vacancies (Open Access),
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W.W.Zheng; Y.B.Luo;Y. Liu; J.Shi; R.Xiong; Z.Y.Wang,
Synergistical Tuning Interface Barrier and Phonon Propagation inAu-Sb2Te3 Nanoplate for Boosting Thermoelectric Performance,
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Pt Decorated (Au Nanosphere)/(CuSe Ultrathin Nanoplate) Tangential Hybrids for Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation via Dual-Plasmon-Induced Strong VIS–NIR Light Absorption and Interfacial Electric Field Coupling,
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Aero-optic thermal radiation effects correction with alow-frequency prior and a sparse constraint in the gradient domain.
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Delaunay growth algorithm based on point cloud curvature smoothingimprovement[C],
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C.Zhou, H.Y.Hong, X.H.Zhang,S.H.Zhao.
Machine Vision Based-2D Measurement Method for Industrial Glass[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
S.Wang, J.G.Sun, X.Li*, Z.H.Huang,H.Y.Hong.
Non-contact pantograph detection and location algorithm formonocular infrared images[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
The research of image segmentation methods for interested areaextraction in image matching guidance[C],
SPIE Eleventh InternationalSymposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
Realization of Real-time Detection Algorithms for Key Parts of UAVBased on Support Vector Machine[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
Underwater image dehazing and color correction algorithm based onscene depth estimation[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
Y.Y.Feng,Y.Shi,D.J.Sun, M.X.Wang, H.Y.Hong.
A restoration method for the turbulent degraded images based on thesalient edge selection and the L0 norm constraint[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
S.K.Wu, H.Y.Hong, Y.Shi, X.Hua.
Blind deblurring with imagelayer separation using relative smoothness[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
Z.F.Xu, X.Hua, Y.Shi.
A real-time noise suppression method for target image on unmannedunderwater vehicle platform[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
Center extraction for non-uniform line structured light stripe withwide view field[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on MultispectralImage Processing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
An adaptive local contrast enhancement method for low visibilityaerial image[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
H.Y.Chen, H.Y.hong.
A Real-time Location Algorithm for Critical Points Based onTMS320C6678[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
H.Y.Hong, S.H.Zhao,Q.S.Zhao, X.H.Zhang.
A measurement method of curved glass thickness based on 3D laservision[C],
SPIE Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral ImageProcessing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
H.Y.Hong, J.W.Shi, X.H.Zhang, Q.S.Zhao.
Three-dimensional measurement method for thickness of LED tapcoating based on linear array spectral confocal[C],
SPIE Eleventh InternationalSymposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Wuhan. (2019)
K.L.Liu;S,Q. Luo;M.Li;Y. Li;Y.D.Feng;B.J. Du;Y.M. Zhou;P.X. Lu; Barth, Ingo Source:
Detecting and Characterizingthe Nonadiabaticity of Laser-Induced Quantum Tunneling
Physical Review Letters, v122, n 5, February 8, (2019)
J.P.Li; Q.B.Zhang;L. Li;X.S.Zhu;T.F. Huang;P.F. Lan;P.X. Lu
Orientation dependence ofhigh-order harmonic generation in nanowire
Source: Physical Review A, v99, n 3, March 27,( 2019)
S.Q.Luo;M.Li;W.H. Xie;K. Liu;Y.D.Feng;B.J. Du;Y.M. Zhou;P.X. Lu
Exit momentum andinstantaneous ionization rate of nonadiabatic tunneling ionization inelliptically polarized laser fields
Physical Review A, v 99, n 5,May 28, (2019)
X.Huang;Q.B. Zhang;S.L. Xu;X.L.Fu; X.Han;W. Cao;P.X. Lu
Coulomb focusing in retrappedionization with near-circularly polarized laser field
Optics Express, v 27, n 26, p38116-38124, (2019)
J.Tan; Y.M.Zhou; M.R.He;Q.H.Ke;J.T. Liang;Y. Li;M. Li; P.X.Lu
Time-resolving tunnelingionization via strong-field photoelectron holography
Physical Review A, v 99, n3,March 4, (2019)
Reciprocal-space-trajectoryperspective on high-harmonic generation in solids
Physical Review Letters, v122, n 19, May 14, (2019)
D.Zhao,S.L.Ke;Y.H. Hu,; B.Wang;P.X.Lu
Optical bistability ofgraphene embedded in parity-time-symmetric photonic lattices
Journal ofthe Optical Societyof America B: Optical Physics, v 36, n 7, p 1731-1737, (2019)
Y.L.Mao; Z.H.Ma; R.B.Jin; Q.C.Sun;S.M.Fei; Q.Zhang;J.Y. Fan; J.W.Pan
Error-Disturbance Trade-offin Sequential Quantum Measurements
Physical Review Letters, v122, n 9,March 8, (2019)
J.T.Liang;Y.M.Zhou;J.Tan; M.R.He;Q.H.K,;Y.Zhao; M.Li;W.C.Jiang;P.X. Lu
Low-energy photoelectroninterference structure in attosecond streaking
Optics Express, v 27, n 26, p37736-37752, (2019)
C.Z.Qin;Y.G. Peng; Y.Li; X.F.Zhu;B.Wang;C.W. Qiu;P.X. Lu
Spectrum Manipulation forSound with Effective Gauge Fields in Cascading Temporally Modulated Waveguides
Physical Review Applied, v11, n 6, June 6, (2019)
M.Li ; H.Xie; W.Cao;S.Q. Luo;J.Tan; Y.D.Feng;B.J. Du; W.J.Zhang; Y.Li; Q.B.Zhang; P.F.Lan; Y.M.Zhou;P.X. Lu
Photoelectron HolographicInterferometry to Probe the Longitudinal Momentum Offset at the Tunnel Exit
Physical Review Letters, v122,n 18, May 7, (2019)
Y.D.Feng; M.Li; S.Q.Luo; K.Liu;B.J.Du; Y.M.Zhou;P.X. Lu
Semiclassical analysis ofphotoelectron interference in a synthesized two-color laser pulse
Physical Review A, v 100, n6, December 6, (2019)
Y.Zhao; Y.M.Zhou; J.T.Liang; Z.X.Zeng;Q.H,Ke; Y.L.Liu;M. Li; P.X.Lu
Frustrated tunnelingionization in the elliptically polarized strong laser fields
Optics Express, v 27, n 15, p21689-21701, (2019)
X.M.Ma; Y.M..Zhou; Y.BChen; M.Li;Y.Li; Q.B.Zhang; P.X.Lu
Timing the release of thecorrelated electrons in strong-field nonsequential double ionization bycircularly polarized two-color laser fields
Optics Express, v 27, n 3, p1825-1837, February 4,( 2019)
X.F.Zhang; X.S.Zhu; D.Wang; L.Li;X.Liu; Q.Liao; P.F.Lan; P.X.Lu
Ultrafastoscillating-magnetic-field generation based on electronic-current dynamics
Physical Review A, v 99, n 1,January 14, 2019
S.Wang; S.Wang; R.B.Jin; M.Z.Feng;S.Wu; L.Zhang;P.X. Lu
All-Optical demodulationfiber acoustic sensor with real-Time controllable sensitivity based on opticalvernier effect (Open Access)
IEEE Photonics Journal, v 11,n 4, August 2019
Z.F.Hong; F.L.Hu; X.L.Fu; W.Cao;Q.B.Zhang;P.X. Lu
Few-cycle 1.9-μm pulsegeneration via collinear spectrum synthesis in multiple-crystal OPA
Optics Letters, v44, n 14, p3438-3441, 2019
W.H.Xie; M.Li;S.Q. Luo;M.R.He;K.Liu;Q.B.Zhang; Y.M.Zhou; P.X.Lu
Nonadiabaticity-induced ionizationtime shift in strong-field tunneling ionization
Physical Review A, v 100, n2, August 20, 2019
Kinyua, Dickson Mwenda; H.Long;X.Y.Xing; Njoroge, Stephen;K.Wang; B.Wang; P.X.Lu
Gigahertz acoustic vibrationsof Ga-doped ZnO nanoparticle array
Nanotechnology, v 30, n 30,May 1,
W.J.Wei;X.X. Jiang; L.Y.Dong;W.W.Liu; X.B.Han;Y. Qin; K.Li;W.Li;Z.S.Lin;X.H. Bu ; P.X.Lu
Regulating Second-HarmonicGeneration by van der Waals Interactions in Twodimensional Lead HalidePerovskite Nanosheets
Journal of the AmericanChemical Society, v 141, n23, p 9134-9139, June 12, (2019)
Y.Q.He; L.X.He; P.F.Lan; B.N.Wang;L.Li; X.S.Zhu; W.Cao;P.X. Lu
Direct imaging of molecularrotation with high-order-harmonic generation
Physical Review A, v 99, n 5,May 21, (2019)
R.Wang; Q.B.Zhang; D.Li; S.L.Xu;P.K.Cao; Y.M.Zhou; W.Cao; P.X.Lu
Identification of tunnelingand multiphoton ionization in intermediate Keldysh parameter regime
Optics Express, v 27, n 5, p6471-6482, (2019)
D.Lu ,C.Z. Qin; Zhou, Feng; Y.Liu;W.W.Li; F.G.Luo; J.J.Dong; B.Wang; P.X.Lu,
Efficient spectrum reshapingwith photonic gauge potentials in resonantly modulated fiber-loop circuits
Physical Review Applied, v12, n 2, August 14, (2019)
W.W.Li;C.Z. Qin; T.W.Han; H.Chen;B.Wang; P.X.Lu
Bloch oscillations inphotonic spectral lattices through phase-mismatched four-wave mixing
Optics Letters, v 44, n 22, p5430-5433, November 15, (2019)
Tong, Aihong; Li, Qianguang;Ma, Xiaomeng; Zhou, Yueming; Lu, Peixiang
Internal collision inducedstrong-field nonsequential double ionization in molecules
Optics Express, v 27, n5, p6415-6425, (2019)
Jin, Rui-Bo; Cai, Neng;Huang, Ying; Hao, Xiang-Ying; Wang, Shun; Li, Fang; Song, Hai-Zhi; Zhou,Qiang;Shimizu, Ryosuke
Theoretical Investigation ofa Spectrally Pure-State Generation from Isomorphs of KDP Crystal atNear-Infrared and Telecom Wavelengths
Physical Review Applied, v11, n 3, March 28, (2019)
Wang, Baoning ; He, Lixin;He, Yanqing; Zhang, Yinfu; Shao, Renzhi; Lan, Pengfei; Lu, Peixiang
All-optical measurement ofhigh-order fractional molecular echoes by high-order harmonic generation
Optics Express, v 27, n 21, p30172-30181, October 14, (2019)
Ke, Shaolin ; Zhao, Dong;Liu, Jianxun; Liu, Qingjie; Liao, Qing; Wang, Bing; Lu, Peixiang
Topological bound modes inanti-PT-symmetric optical waveguide arrays
Optics Express, v 27, n 10, p13858-13870, (2019)
Li, Jiapeng ; Li, Liang;Zhang, Qingbin; Zhu, Xiaosong; Huang, Tengfei; Lan, Pengfei; Lu,Peixiang
Channel-closing effects ofelectronic excitation in solids
Optics Express, v 27, n 26, p37224-37235, (2019)
Qin, Ya-Nan ; Li, Min; Li,Yang; He, Mingrui; Luo, Siqiang; Liu, Yali; Zhou, Yueming; Lu, Peixiang
Asymmetry of thephotoelectron momentum distribution from molecular ionization in ellipticallypolarized laser pulses
Physical Review A, v 99, n 1,January 24, (2019)
Azeem, Muhammad; Asif,Muhammad; Gui, Di; Dong, Liyuan; Pei, Chunlei; Lu, Peixiang; Li, Wei
Elastic and hydrostaticbehaviour of a zinc dietary supplement, zinc glycinate hydrate (Open Access)
RSC Advances, v 9, n 23,p13153-13158, (2019)
Y.Zheng ; Shum, Perry Ping; S.H. Liu; Li, Boyao; Xiang, Yang; Luo, Yiyang;Zhang, Yanan; Ni, Wenjun; Wu, Zhifang; Dinh, Xuan Quyen; Zeng, Shuwen; Auguste,Jean-Louis; Humbert, Georges
Experimental and numericalinvestigation on hollow core photonic crystal fiber based bending sensor
Optics Express, v 27, n21, p30629-30638, October 14, (2019)
Z.F.Hong ; F.L.Hu;X.L. Fu; W.Cao;Q.B.Zhang;P.X.Lu
Few-cycle 1.9-μm pulsegeneration via collinear spectrum synthesis in multiple-crystal OPA
Optics Letters, v 44, n 14, p3438-3441, (2019)
Y.L.Mao, Z.H.Ma, R.B.Jin, Q.C.Sun,S.M. Fei, Q.Zhang, J.Y.Fan, J.W.Pan,
“Error-disturbance trade-off in sequentialquantum measurements,”
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Y. Zheng, P. P. Shum, S. Liu,B. Li, Y. Xiang, Y. Luo, Y. Zhang, W. Ni, Z. Wu, X. Q. Dinh, S. Zeng, J.-L.Auguste, and G. Humbert,
“Experimental and numericalinvestigation on hollow core photonic crystal fiber based bending sensor,”
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J. Li, C. Ding, and Y. Wu,
“Enhanced photon antibunchingvia interference effects in a Δ configuration,”
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